Yep. That's right, I said it (actually, I'm just repeating it), Mass Ave was once known as a "skid row area." Indy's RTV6 featured a #throwback video of Mass Ave in 1985 when the city was at the beginning stages of revamping what we know, love, and can't get enough of today. It's hard to believe that {basically} E V E R Y T H I N G has changed, and hey, how fancy are we for getting a "downtown delicatessen!" The revitalization is still going on, with all blocks stretching from the peak of New York & Delaware Street, straight up to the edge of the intersections of I-70 merging with I-65!
::::: Take a walk down memory lane (hyperlinked above) and the image tour of Mass Ave NOW, below :::::

::::: for more details on the ever-evolving life downtown, discover Mass Ave! :::::